November 27, 2023
GunSenseVT Condemns Burlington Shooting: Calls for Justice and Action Against Gun Violence and Hate
Burlington, Vt., -- We are devastated and outraged by the shooting of Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ali Ahmad, and Kinnan Abdalhamid in Burlington. In this dark hour, our thoughts are focused on the victims and their families.
The fact that these young men were senselessly attacked is a stark reminder of the horrors that gun violence inflicts upon our communities. It robs us of safety and peace. We stand in solidarity with the victims, their families and all who are affected by this tragedy, especially considering the potential implications of this attack being driven by hate. The intersection of gun violence with racism, xenophobia and other forms of hate is a toxic combination that endangers lives and the fabric of our society.
As we await further details from the ongoing investigation, we implore our community and leaders to reflect on the grave consequences of inaction. We must commit to concrete steps that address the root causes of gun violence and hate in all its forms. This includes comprehensive legislation, education and community engagement aimed at fostering an environment of peace. We demand justice and a commitment to safety and respect for all.