GunSense Vermont is Vermont's only independent, non-partisan gun violence prevention group. We are a movement of Vermonters focusing on transformation at the state level, because that is where laws are being changed and individual action has the most impact.
- Vermont consistently has higher a higher rate of domestic violence than the national average. 50% of domestic violence homicides are committed using guns.
- Vermont's suicide rate is also higher than the national average. Among suicides, guns account for 55% of deaths. Boys and men are far more likely than girls or women to use a gun to attempt suicide.
- Vermonters who served in the armed forces represent 20% of all suicide deaths in the state.
- Access to a gun makes it 5 times more likely that a male abuser will kill his female victim.
It doesn't have to be this way. Education, advocacy, and strong laws can help keep guns out of the wrong hands. Keeping guns out of the wrong hands can save lives.
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