Real, red flag stories build the case for change
“’Fingers crossed, no questions asked’ is not a smart policy when it comes to gun buyer criminal record checks in Vermont,” said Ann Braden, President of Gun Sense Vermont at the State House today.
The Cedar Creek Room was filled today with parents, teachers, survivors, doctors, nurses, clergy, gun owners, lawmakers and Vermonters from all walks of life cheering the introduction of legislation to close background check policy loopholes that let criminals and prohibited purchasers buy guns in Vermont without a background check. They say the federal government prohibits violent offenders from buying and possessing guns and that Universal Background Checks are the most effective way to enforce that and keep guns out of the wrong hands.
Real, red flag stories build the case for change
Montpelier, VT— “’Fingers crossed, no questions asked’ is not a smart policy when it comes to gun buyer criminal record checks in Vermont,” said Ann Braden, President of Gun Sense Vermont at the State House today. The Cedar Creek Room was filled today with parents, teachers, survivors, doctors, nurses, clergy, gun owners, lawmakers and Vermonters from all walks of life cheering the introduction of legislation to close background check policy loopholes that let criminals and prohibited purchasers buy guns in Vermont without a background check. They say the federal government prohibits violent offenders from buying and possessing guns and that Universal Background Checks are the most effective way to enforce that and keep guns out of the wrong hands.
Citing recent, independent polling showing 84% of Vermonters support universal background checks for all gun purchases,[1] Braden said the gun violence prevention movement will continue fighting for change. “We recognize the state capital is starting over now with lots of new leaders willing to listen and learn about ways to keep communities safe.” She continued, “We want to make sure that the voices of those 84% of Vermonters are being heard."
Motivated to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, supporters today told lawmakers troubling, real red flag stories from across Vermont:
*A domestic abuser pressures his son from jail to use the background check loopholes to guy him a gun for him so he could
threaten his victim when he got out, according to a police affidavit.
*While the nation awoke to mourn a tragic mass shooting this summer, a Vermont reporter bought an AR-15 from a stranger he found online and met at a fast food parking lot.
*In a three-month period in Vermont, several convicted criminals seek to illegally buy guns through background check loopholes.
Joining in the call to action for universal background checks are: Vermont Network Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, Voices for Vermont’s Children, KidSafe Collaborative, National Association of Social Workers – Vermont Chapter, Peace and Justice Center, the Islamic Society of Vermont, Amnesty International’s Northeast Chapter, and the Vermont Public Health Association.
Lead legislation sponsors Senator Phil Baruth, Representative Mike Mrowicki, and Representative Donovan spoke on behalf of the growing number of lawmakers signaling their support.