A selection of publicly reported, gun-related incidents in VT.
8/2/2015 A Sheldon Springs father with no criminal record faces up to 12 years in prison after he allegedly threatened to kill two motorists who aggravated him on the road and followed him to his place of business. http://www.wptz.com/news/another-road-rage-incident-in-st-albans-ends-with-one-arrest/34513426
8/7/2015 Woman shoots DCF worker and three family members in Barre and Berlin. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/08/08/after-losing-child-in-custody-dispute-unhappy-mother-guns-down-veteran-social-worker-police-say/
8/13/2015 Armed standoff between police and man later identified as ex-boyfriend of the killer of four people in Barre and Berlin. http://www.wmur.com/news/exboyfriend-of-jody-herring-suspected-in-barre-town-standoff/34707864
8/19/2015 More than 100 firearms, about a half dozen kinds of drugs, a non-operational clandestine methamphetamine lab and nearly $25,000 were among items seized during a raid on the home and business of an Alburgh selectman last month, records show. http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/local/2015/08/18/alburgh-raid-netted-guns-drugs-cash-records-show/31956521/
8/22/2015 St. Albans man entered his residence with a handgun and pointed it at his girlfriend and two other acquaintances. Victim's 5 month old daughter was also in the apartment during the incident. https://www.facebook.com/StAlbansPoliceDept/photos/a.207089185975907.52546.206194229398736/1096965496988267/?type=1&theater
8/23/2015 Man fatally shoots another man in Greensboro. http://www.wcax.com/story/29861973/shooting-in-greensboro?utm_source=Seven+Days+Email+Newsletters&utm_campaign=d84db4115e-Daily_7_Monday_0824158_24_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_24eb556688-d84db4115e-296203389
8/30/2015 Girl, 9, shot in stomach by dad cleaning gun. http://www.rutlandherald.com/article/20150831/THISJUSTIN/150839999